Wintering Well

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Stretch and I meet

Rebecca-I heard you are sick and it made me really sad! I bet you got sick because I wasn't going to that novice show and that it?? Hehe JK. Hope you feel better really soon! I have stories from snowy Denver to make you feel better.

It snowed here all yesterday and this morning. We went out to Premier Breeding Services around 10:30 this morning. Brad had given me directions and we made it in one piece. Stretch is absolutely AMAZING. Pictures do not begin to do him justice. The DVD does not even do him justice. It was snowy so we just saw him inside the barn. Pulled him out of the stall and petted him in the barn aisle. He is HUGE. Huge with capital letters. Very tall and lots of bone/substance there. I had three inch heels on and he was still gigantic! He has the neatest personality. We stood there for at least thirty minutes petting him and talking with Brad. He stood there absolutely still the entire time. Just wanted to be petted. Kept trying to eat his lead rope and play with it. Such a cool disposition. I can't say enough good things about Stretch-I am seriously in love with him! I took a bunch of pics...if I could figure out how to post them on here that would be awesome. I am on my mom's laptop in a hotel so I don't think I can right now. Rebecca-you will have to figure it out and I can post some when I get home.

Saw Ima Benchmark, A Dynamic Curiosity, OBS...Stretch was the only one we pulled out of the stall but it was awesome seeing some other well-known studs. They have a really nice set-up out there. I wore these awesome shoes that slip on...not the best choice for the barn. My feet FROZE while we were standing there talking. Then we went out and looked at all the mares and babies outside...which meant trudging through the snow, which creeped into my shoes. My feet were freezing and I seriously thought I had frostbite or something. I couldn't walk on them-they hurt so much! Luckily, they thawed.

Going to go get some sleep! Rebecca-you must get well and come hang out with me this week!!!!!!!


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