Wintering Well

Monday, March 14, 2005

Good times

The first post in a brand-new blog...unless Rebecca beats me to posting hers first! We most definately need a place to record all the good times that we have at shows. I think Rebecca will agree that out of town shows are the most fun! I mean, in one show alone we ran over a palm tree, discovered the term "wintering well", learned about the magnificent "Yoga Booty ballet", found out just how much Fred loves jumping, established that Rebecca is the world's fastest braider, met Rebecca's new boyfriend (it's not his fault he is only four feet tall!), ate lots of beef jerky and popcorn, and the list just goes on and on. I can't wait for Ardmore. Three days of madness and no sleep! It shall be awesome.


  • At 8:16:00 PM, Blogger rebecca said…

    this is such an awesome thing you guys can do.. its so cool..WOW


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