Wintering Well

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

this is the stallion we all have been talking about

I have figured out how to post pictures...but only one at a time. And I don't know quite how this is going to look when I post it. Oh well. If it works-awesome!

Stretch and I.

he is so sweet!

I seriously love this horse. He is like a big puppy dog. Stood in the aisle for 30 minutes playing with his lead rope. He is put together so nicely. You know how some tall horses just look gangly and ugly? It's hard to tell Stretch is so big from far away because of the way he is put together. We need to go see him (and certain other people...) when he is back in Tennessee! Road trip!!!

My sister and I with Stretch...he quite possibly the coolest stallion I have ever met. So big and friendly!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Rebecca and Morgan at Corsicana

This is Rebecca and Morgan at the Corsicana shows. This is the last show that determines who would win the $300 gift certificate.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Stretch and I meet

Rebecca-I heard you are sick and it made me really sad! I bet you got sick because I wasn't going to that novice show and that it?? Hehe JK. Hope you feel better really soon! I have stories from snowy Denver to make you feel better.

It snowed here all yesterday and this morning. We went out to Premier Breeding Services around 10:30 this morning. Brad had given me directions and we made it in one piece. Stretch is absolutely AMAZING. Pictures do not begin to do him justice. The DVD does not even do him justice. It was snowy so we just saw him inside the barn. Pulled him out of the stall and petted him in the barn aisle. He is HUGE. Huge with capital letters. Very tall and lots of bone/substance there. I had three inch heels on and he was still gigantic! He has the neatest personality. We stood there for at least thirty minutes petting him and talking with Brad. He stood there absolutely still the entire time. Just wanted to be petted. Kept trying to eat his lead rope and play with it. Such a cool disposition. I can't say enough good things about Stretch-I am seriously in love with him! I took a bunch of pics...if I could figure out how to post them on here that would be awesome. I am on my mom's laptop in a hotel so I don't think I can right now. Rebecca-you will have to figure it out and I can post some when I get home.

Saw Ima Benchmark, A Dynamic Curiosity, OBS...Stretch was the only one we pulled out of the stall but it was awesome seeing some other well-known studs. They have a really nice set-up out there. I wore these awesome shoes that slip on...not the best choice for the barn. My feet FROZE while we were standing there talking. Then we went out and looked at all the mares and babies outside...which meant trudging through the snow, which creeped into my shoes. My feet were freezing and I seriously thought I had frostbite or something. I couldn't walk on them-they hurt so much! Luckily, they thawed.

Going to go get some sleep! Rebecca-you must get well and come hang out with me this week!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

This blog HATES me

Okay...for some odd reason the post I made this morning at school did not show up...the title "School" is the only thing there! I also made one last night...a long survey and everything. Is it there? Nope. So I want to know why my posts keep getting eaten! Kristin getting kicked squarely in the butt made me laugh so hard. Wicked mare! Really cute baby though! I am glad to hear that Fred was a good boy. He needs to be really good in Ardmore. Patrick has been so very good...keep your fingers crossed that he remembers how to do that at a show!

Spring break for me is not until the week AFTER Easter. Geez that is so late! Everyone else in the world is on break this week. We get out on the Thursday before Easter. Leaving for Colorado that day to go visit relatives. We are returning the Monday after Easter. Not exactly overly enthusiastic about this trip. On the bright side, Stretch and Bo are standing at a breeding facility in Colorado. I talked to Taylor and he told me to call Brad (the guy who manages the Colorado facility) to see about dropping by and meeting "the boys." That would make the trip so worthwhile! Keep your fingers crossed that we get to do that-I am excited just thinking about it!

I am going to bring a camera to Ardmore and we need to take awesome pics of everything! Especially some crazy "behind the scenes" shots!

Let's see...that about sums it up. I need to go wash some jeans and Patrick's sheet and sleazy for Thursday. Rebecca-are you driving up with us Thursday morning??? You know that my house is open Wednesday night if you need a place to stay! Hehe.


My Adventure

Haha morgan I had the funnest day while you were at school...... To start the good part of the day I went to horse backridng lessons and had a lesson with Alex, Fred was soo good... then after the lesson i helped kristen out with her stuff since she got kicked in the butt this morning... its so funny to see her walk. well talk to ya later


Monday, March 14, 2005

Good times

The first post in a brand-new blog...unless Rebecca beats me to posting hers first! We most definately need a place to record all the good times that we have at shows. I think Rebecca will agree that out of town shows are the most fun! I mean, in one show alone we ran over a palm tree, discovered the term "wintering well", learned about the magnificent "Yoga Booty ballet", found out just how much Fred loves jumping, established that Rebecca is the world's fastest braider, met Rebecca's new boyfriend (it's not his fault he is only four feet tall!), ate lots of beef jerky and popcorn, and the list just goes on and on. I can't wait for Ardmore. Three days of madness and no sleep! It shall be awesome.
well i am the second person to write in this awesome new blog! me and morgan have the funnest time everywhere we go.... I had the funniest time driving up in the truck up to the stephenville show.. watching a portable DVD player and sensoring it for my friends so that they didn't get blinded by those bad things.... haha. we watched the best movies ever.... i just cant wait till the Ardmore horse show, its going to be awesome!
Rebecca or in webdings Rebecca(thats my name)