Wintering Well

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Me and lacey 3 years ago in athens Posted by Picasa

Me and Fred in corsicana Posted by Picasa

This is me and Fred in Tulsa. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Monday, July 10, 2006

Me and Adam milking Sugar. Posted by Picasa

Me and Fred Posted by Picasa

Me on fred last september. Posted by Picasa

Me, Ryan and Adam checking are baggage. Posted by Picasa

Here is me and Holly at church camp..were standing in the breakfast line here. as you can tell we are very excited to eat. I look really bad in this pic sorry, i was very sick that day, it was horrible!

Fred jumping with Emily Posted by Picasa

Goats eating fruit

WOW thats a big bite..haha

YUMMY bananas!!

my baby eating an apple