Wintering Well

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Here is Lacey standing on a rock...its pretty cool. i just had to put her back feet up there and she just stood there Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Jordan my cousin blasting away.... Posted by Picasa

this is one of my friends from church.Korey.. its spirit week at school and he is dressing up like a member form KISS rock band.. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

i loved the name of this buffet was awesome too Posted by Picasa

IM the best at this game..or ride Posted by Picasa

this tram thingy was pretty awesome!! Posted by Picasa

Trying on a dress that I took back-sick!

Okay, we were trying to figure out what to do for sr. pics

Here i am trying to be active..its not very succesful..if you look close enough i am one of those dots Posted by Picasa

this is me and my extended family..were taking a family shot Posted by Picasa

here is legolas with the trainer..this is him with less then 60 days of training Posted by Picasa

here is a head shot of legolas Posted by Picasa

this is legolas again...its a really current picture. he is at the trainers barn Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 09, 2005


this is one of my friends Tanner from school he came over one day to spend the night with my brother...i had to capture this shot of him!! he is going to kill me when he finds out what i have done


this is my brother hes kinda downsyndromatic.... i feel really bad for him sometimes..but most of the time i just make fun of him!! he's great fun


Me and my cousin pondering for a second in our normal clothes...actually we were headed for my friends nerd