Wintering Well

Sunday, April 24, 2005

hey morgan if you click on the picture it will become bigger and its alot clearer.

heres another

this is it today. me and my mom are not very good at taking pics. Posted by Hello

this is Lacey and her new baby! she just had it in. and is taking a rest... Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Hannah's party is going to be LOTS of fun-you definately need to go. I love Hannah and her family. Her house is pretty awesome too. I had forgotten that it was this Friday-you really have to come!!!!

I wanna see Lacey's baby...get it out of there so we can play with it! LOL.

So have ya'll been updated with the recent barn news??? Know anything about Paris yet? If you have no clue what I am talking about you need to call me.


Robbie and lacey

this is my little brother robbie and our palomino mare lacey. lacey is about to have a baby! about time i need a baby to play with! well morgan are you going to hannahs b-day party? i think i am

Saturday, April 09, 2005


Haha-you had to braid and I didn't! Love it. The finished product was exceptionally beautiful. I am so glad you took pics. So why are ya'll making a video???

Heard you are not going to Ardmore-what is that all about? Actually, I don't think that Hughes will be going now. Things are kind of a mess right now.

I was stuck in Stephenville at our District Judging all day but it was okay because I won. Hehe. Second year in a row baby. And our team won-again 2nd year in row-so we get to go to State this summer. That is mucho fun because we get to PARTY in the dorms at A&M!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

the finished look haha

this is the finished product the mane is thick it kinda weird looking but thats okay

Rebecca braiding legolas for a video

this is me braiding our two year old for a for sale video i really hate this job. it really tears up your fingers because you have to braid the hair so tight it hurts.. i have a blister on my pinky. and morgan this horse has never have had his mane pulled. he has thick mane!